PowerPoint and Your Message – Why Most Presentations Suck

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Another boring PowerPoint presentation. Are you kidding me? In a world filled with graphics, pictures, video and so much visual, I still go to presentations and see dozens of words on slide after slide. Are you kidding me?   Why … Continued

Why is there a Delay Between Lead Gen and The Start of Selling

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Why is there a delay between the time that a lead gets generated and the start of the selling process? Further, the number one question, what can you do about it?   Last week we discussed the disconnect between sales … Continued

Is There a Disconnect Between Your Sales and Marketing Process?

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Marketing and sales have been trying to work together effectively since time began. Sometimes it works between them and sometimes it doesn’t.   Marketing has a primary function – to generate leads.   Sales hasa primary function- to close those … Continued


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073  Building Relationship In Your Business  Special Guest:  George “The Drycleaner” Warner Subject:  Sales and Marketing Open the top of the funnel and get more leads today. Relationship marketing is the best way to grow your business   Hunting or … Continued


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071. When you want sales results – You have to stretch consistently Subject: Sales and Marketing Open the top of the funnel and get more leads today. 90 Days to Your Success -Click here to learn more about how to take … Continued

Sales Referral Strategy

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Do you already have one in place in your business? Are you executing it or still thinking about it?   Referrals– are leads given to you by others such as the people you know and/or people you are doing business … Continued


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070 Sales Referral Strategy Do you already have one in place in your business? Are you executing it or still thinking about it? Subject: Sales and Marketing Open the top of the funnel and get more leads today. 90 Days to … Continued

Success Means Doing The Most Important Things

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Which many times means leaving the other stuff behind.   When you try and get more done, manage your time and become more productive, it does come down to priorities.   All of us have way too much to do. … Continued


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068 Failure to Hit the Bull’s-eye is Never the Fault of the Target -Part II Subject: Sales and Marketing Open the top of the funnel and get more leads today. 90 Days to Your Success -Click here to learn more about … Continued

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