Networking is building relationships that generate results and success for both parties.
I was once considered a super networker – I even wrote a couple of books on the subject. Networking is how I built this business and many other businesses throughout my career. It is the way business is done—relationship building.
Now along comes 2020, the pandemic, COVID-19 – isolation. Masks and social distancing. And death to networking as we know it.
We accepted it – stopped cold.
Guess what? I may not be able to go to a chamber meeting, leads group, conference, or tradeshow –
but networking is alive and well and rolling.
It is just different. Are you ready? I was slow for a bit, but now I am in high gear, and the limits are off. The opportunities are huge, and we are ready to get back to building relationships that help us build our businesses.
It is time to network virtually. My friend, George, recently told me during a meeting we were having on zoom, “Listen, Manny, tell me what is different about the conversation we just had on zoom and sitting at the local coffee shop and having the same conversation? I had to confess. I replied, “Nothing.”
“Yes, we are on a screen, but it is the same. I see you, you see me. We are having a conversation,” George added.
Conversations still take place.
Relationships can still be built.
All the stuff we were used to in networking is alive and well.
It is just virtual.
So what do you do? Let share just three things today.
Get your attitude right.
Yes, you can build relationships, and yes, you can build your prospect base through tools like Zoom. But you have to start doing it if you want to see success. Forget the fact that you cannot go out. Start being happy that you can do so much from the comfort of your office/home with a great shirt on and shorts.
Get your attitude adjusted to theYes, I canmode.
Start setting up calls on Zoom or whatever tool you have.
Start setting up a 30-minute meeting just like you would set up a get-together at the coffee shop.
***Note: Spend the money for a real Zoom account. You can pay for it with the money for the coffee you don’t buy anymore****
Start planning the meeting.
Start conversations and building relationships virtually.
After a while, you will simply think it is live.
Give it a try and watch what happens.
You don’t have to travel, plus you can compact the meeting into 30 minutes and do so many more. Think of the opportunities?
Get involved in some virtual groups and online events and start networking.
Look at the opportunities that are out there.
I was on a couple of calls last week – over 600 people were on the call.
From all over the world.
All who could buy my products and services.
All from the comfort of my home.
Yes, you can.
This mask and social distancing may go on for a bit. Conferences and tradeshows might be a way down the road, but virtual relationship building is here today. Get out there and start doing it.
Stay tuned.
We have a new book coming out in February on Virtual Networking. More in the next couple of weeks, including some preview chapters. If you want to preview the book, just send me an email with the subject:I want to preview virtual networking.
Join our LinkedIn group – Coach Manny Virtual Networking Group – get into conversations right there. We are just getting started.