Reflect on today, this week, this month and/or this year.
Take a few moments to think about the day and what has transpired.
Reflect on the week and understand it better.
You will be amazed by what happens when you reflect.
We run so fast in life that so much of the important stuff you see when you reflect just passes us by.
What if we took a few minutes?
We might just see what so many of us miss –something that could change our lives.
Today, I want you to start using reflection in your life and watch what happens with amazement.
Three simple things I guarantee will change you and your life.
At the end of every day, take 3 minutes to reflect and think of the things you did and the things that happened today.
Take them in.
See if there is anything you need to keep with you as you go forward.
Things you need to write down and share.
Things you need to research on.
Things you need to change.
One method I use is just to walk through the day in my mind. It is amazing how the things you completely forgot will just pop up.
I always have at least a 3×5 index card in my pocket to write things down.
I also love using Evernote on my phone/computer.
Don’t let the thing escape.
You may not have time to reflect on it right now.
But you need to capture it, write it down. So you can take it in later.
At the end of the day, you will be amazed by the stuff you see in your notes.
Some things only seem to appear once, so don’t miss capturing them.
Great ideas can be lost if we do not capture them
You can determine yay or nay later, just capture it for now.
Weekly Reflection
Every week, go back to the reflections that you wrote down every day.
Let them come into your mind and think about them.
Take a few minutes and understand why this had an impact.
Think about them.
Much will just flow out of you automatically.
But so much gets missed when you don’t take time to do this.
But when you do take time, it just comes to the surface and it can change your business, life and much more.
I have been working with some of the best people out there on reflection. This is not my concept but one which I have learned from some of the most successful people out there.
We move so fast that we miss way too much.
This is truly a tool you need to add to your box of success. It will be filled with ways to help and lead.
Great leaders take time to reflect on what happened.
They take time to reflect on the people and the places.
They take time to reflect on the “What If?”
If you are looking to lead your teams to a great victory in business, then we should talk.
Please set up 15 minutes to let us show you the 3-prongapproach to leadership we use.
Personal development of you.
Team development of your team.
Leading your team to victory.
Click here to set up a call on a date/time that work for you.
And start using reflection tomorrow.