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020 Your Customers Are a Great Lead Source

Lead Generation – The Art and Science of How To

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Subject: Your Customers Are a Great Lead Source

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Subject: Your Customers Are a Great Lead Source


Are you paying attention and looking at your existing customers as a lead source?

Most companies are not.


“Treat your customer like you treat your hot prospects, forever, and they will be great customers, forever.”


Your customers are a great source to ask for more business.

They might be doing much more than you know of and could use your services in other areas of the company or other divisions. 


Your customer might buy much more than you think of your product/service and could use your services in many other areas of their company.

First, you must find out how much of what you sell your customer is buying from other organizations. 

Don’t assume the customer will think of you and mention you – instead always be on their minds.



Looking at what your customer buys from your competitor that you could supply is an amazing lead source.



Simply asking, could you introduce me to that department head?

Could you connect me with your office in that town?

Do you know anyone in that department? 



Source for today’s podcast: Targeted Lead Generation Book by Coach Manny Nowak

Click here to order your copy today.

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Coach Manny – manny@mannynowak.com


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