Business Leaders
Entrepreneurs, Sales People, Executives
(All those looking to get greater results from their teams)
Leadership Means Getting Things Done Through Other People
How are you doing with it?
Are you making it happen?
Take your business to new levels of success:
Coach Manny’s Inner Circle
This gives you:
Weekly Live Q and A sessions with Coach Manny recorded and available to listen to as you get time as many times as you need.
Get answers to the questions you are dealing with
Listen and learn from others as they get their questions answers
Every Week we spend up to an hour helping you as a member
Send you questions in before hand
Live questions taken as they appear
Weekly Live Training sessions with Coach Manny recorded and available to listen to as you get time as many times as you need.
Building and monitoring Your Long-term Goals
Learn the skills you need to be even better
Time management
Every week we help you learn more about these pieces so you can be the star
Watch a real live session with Coach Manny – Click here.
You become who you hang out with – and that is a fact.
So you better start hanging out with those who are there already or who are determine to get there.
Coach Manny’s Inner Circle
The place where they hang out.
The place you learn how to implement and make it happen!
Coach Manny online answering your questions, getting involved in your discussion and helping you. But even more – all the others out there helping you.
Help you find people who want your product and closing them?
Teaching you how to help people buy from You?
How good are you at running a sales process that works?
How good are you at prospecting?
How good are you at building your business everyday – for success?
How good are you at automating everything you can.
How much is your top line growing?

Coach Manny teaching live every week:
Watch Coach Manny Live on Facebook Teaching – click here:
Coach Manny doing a live Q and A every week with you:
You are the average of the 5 people you hang out with the most?
What’s your average look like?
Here are some great words from Common Denominator of Success
“Unless you have deliberately formed the habit of calling on people who are able to buy but unwilling to listen, then unconsciously you have formed the habit of calling on people who are willing to listen but unable to buy.”
Time to take your game up many notches on the ladder to success.
Spend time with people who are doing it – this is a private Facebook group for people just like you.
Strong people like you with a dream, a vision and a desire to be the best.
Go for what you really want
Take your sales game way up
Take your company to new levels of success.
Lead your organization the right way.
Plus you get to interaction, talk with, discuss, share with all the other leaders in the group.
What is that worth?
All those who want to grow to new levels of success.
Another Video of coach Manny Teaching on Sales – click here to watch:
Your opportunity to interact with Coach Manny at a fraction of what it costs for 1v1 coaching.
Live and recorded, Training, Education and Much more
Access to work with Coach Manny – online and offline.
Weekly Facebook Live sessions- Get your questions and discussion on the table with so many others. Hang out with people who have the same aspirations as you.
Ability to ask Coach Manny, any member of the group or both questions. Get your questions answered, hang out with the best.
Access to many of Coach Manny’s tools, courses and training. Dozens of videos and articles and instruction. Free as part of the membership.
Access to much more video, audio and written sales training and the keys to make it work – from The Coach.
First look, feel and touch on stuff Coach Manny puts out including Books, courses and training.
Sign up today – Only $29 a month
Sign up right now and (as long as you remain a member you will never pay more) – click here to order today.
Special Sign up Bonus just for you:
Copy of Coach Manny’s Latest Book:

One 30 minute 1v1 coaching session with Coach Manny.