Vision without action is daydreaming
Action without vision is a nightmare
Vision with action is beautiful reality.
From the Book, Beside Still Water.
Vision is the first sign you will see on the road to success.
It is big, it is bold, and it gets your attention.
Right now, close your eyes(unless you are driving or doing something that needs your attention) and justthink about what you really want in life. Don’t rush. Take your time doing this, just let your mind wanderinto the future.
Where are you?
What does it look like?
What does it feel like?
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Do this for a bit, then when you stop, write down everything you think is important. Then keep this for the future.
****Click here to Watch the video with Coach Manny and learn even more****
Now askyourself this question – What do you reallywant in life?
When I randomly asked people this question, they usually don’thave an answer.
They know they are not where we want to be.
Butbecause they don’t know where they really want to be, they will never get there.
Without a destination, you are just wondering about.
When I ask people, “what is your vision for your life?”
They give me this look.
The same one that might just be on your face right now.
Starting there is OK.
Don’t feel like there is nowhere to go.
That is why you are readingthis book.
You want to know what it is.
So, stop right here and do me a favor, take out a piece of paper (yes paper and pen) and write down what your vision for your life is. If you did the exercise above, then use those notes and put it together. If you did the exercise earlier in the book, use that information as well.
Don’t short change this, write it down.
Take your time.
Give it some thought.
I have worked with teams and with individual people, andsometimes it takes days of going back again and again until we have it nailed down.
Thisis your foundation.
Thisis your base.
Take your time and make sure it is what you really want.
If you don’t really have one, then write it down,” I really don’t have one.”
We have to start some place.
Someone taught me years ago that when I hit a writer’s block where I am just empty to write it down: I can’t think of anything. Amazing things happen.
If you don’t have an answer, don’t feel like you are the only person in the world without an answer. You are not. Actually,if you have a vision, you are among the minority of people.
It is our natural tendency to think – well everyone else has one, why don’t I?
Wrong, most people do not have a vision
Andeven of those that do, few have it written down.
If you hit a roadblockhere, stop, don’t feel like you are the only one.
Remember that because of who you are, this will never stop you.
You are amazing!
Have you been getting up and doing that every morning?
If not, go back to early in the book.
***This article is Chapter 10 or Manny Nowak’s exciting book – The Super Successful Will Never Tell You, “You Can’t.”
Order your copy today – click here*****

You are unstoppable.
You are going through, over, under or around this roadblock,justhang in there and keep on going. Thisis where you need those fivepeople around you who give you energy.
Most people don’t have a written vision.
Further, most people have never shared their vision with anyone.
Some had a vision at one point in their lives and let someone disrupt it, blow it away, take it from them. It stopped them cold, but not you.
What I am asking you to do is go for it.
What I am asking you to do is to take off all the constraints.
Think, “where could you go in your life if you did not have anything holding you back?”
Think, “nothing is limiting you!
What is down that road that you could have?
Where can that road take you on the path to success?
Where do you want to be?
30 years from now? Write it down.
20 years from now? Write it down.
10years from now? Write it down.
5years from now? Write it down.
3years from now? Write it down.
1year from now? Write it down.
Who has ever asked you these questions in your life?
Have you ever taken the time to think about them?
Do it now.
Write the answers down.
This is going to change your life.
We as Americans are so short term focused.
Today, tomorrow maybe one more day out.
We spend more time planning our vacations, our weddings and our parties than we do planning our lives.
When you start to look at your life and let your mind go free.
Ask what you really want?
You will be amazed.
In our 90 days to Your Success training, this is the first question we ask you.
What do you really want in your life?
Thismay be the first time anyone has ever ask you that question.
Typically, when we look out so far, the first response we get is usually, I thought this was about 90 days? Why are we talking about 30 years from now?
I cannot even think 30 months from now.
OrI get this answer, are you kidding me, I might not even be here then. I am already x years old.
But you must lookout that far.
This is one key that will make you different, and it will make you tremendously successful.
If you want to get to California and you live in New York, andyou plan to drive,
You need a path and a plan to get there.
You can use a GPS.
We all have them these days, andthey work great.
I love mine, andI use it all the time.
However, you still need to know exactly how to get toLA.
Plus, sometimes GPS can throw us off.
Like, just the other day I was looking for a printerto pick up an order we placed electronically, and the GPS said I was there, I was miles away.
Chapter 10 Exercises
Your assignment right here is fill in the blanks.
You don’t have to be totally detailed.
You don’t’ have to write a book.
Neither are you are not locked into this for life or even for verylong.
The key to remember.
If you want to have a fully paid for a mansionon the beach in Southern California 20 years from now, where do you have to be 10 years from now?
I love this stuff.
I know it works.
I wish I had of had much of it when I was younger, but who cares.
As long as we are still breathing, we should be going for it.
Go do it; itwill really open your mind.
You need to give it a shot so you can see where you are and what you are thinking.
For each of these questions write your answer to these 3 points:
Goals by that time?
What does life look like?
What are you doing regularly?
30 Years from now?
Goals by that time?
What does life look like?
What are you doing regularly?
20 years from now?
Goals by that time?
What does life look like?
What are you doing regularly?
10 years from now?
Goals by that time?
What does life look like?
What are you doing regularly?
5 years from now?
Goals by that time?
What does life look like?
What are you doing regularly?
3 years from now?
Goals by that time?
What does life look like?
What are you doing regularly?
1 year from now
Goals by that time?
What does life look like?
What are you doing regularly?

***This is direct from Manny Nowak’s book
The Super Successful Will Never Tell You, “You Can’t.”
To learn more and order a copy, click here*******
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