Sales means taking the swing and swinging hard.
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“The Babe” was one of the greatest ever to play the game.
For years he hit more homerunsthan anyone else.
He was a star.
But what you might not know is that he was also the strikeoutking.
He also struck out so often.
He got up to the plate, andhe gave it all he had.
Strike out or homerun.
Consistently, he got up to the plate, and he went for it all.
Every time
All the time.
So now, let’s talk about your sales process.
Are you swinging for the fence, or are you waiting for the walk on every sales call?
Are you consistently getting up to the plate and going forthe wall, or are you just happy to get a hit?
Are you giving it all you have and more, or are you holding back?
Today I want to look at these 3 questions and see where they take us.
1/ Are you swing for the fence, or are you waiting for the walk?
How is your attitude doing?
When you make that sales call, are you pumped up and can the person you are working with feel your energy? Do they know that you believe what you are saying?
Ever see someone step up to the plate with confidence. Ever get that call from a salesperson, andyou can feel it? Every havesomeone talk toyou, andyou know you want to do business with them?
If you get less than the home run, you will be OK.
If you try to get less than the homerun, then it could be an issue.
Go for the fence on every sales call.
As the great Zig Ziglar said: “Selling without closing is like lathering without shaving. If you can’t close, youcan’t sell.”
2/ Are you consistently getting up to the plate and going for the wall, or are you just happy to get a hit?
Every time you do a sales call are you doing it with 100% effort ornot?
If you are happy with just a hit, you will get one every so often, but you might never be that star you could be.
Consistencymakes it happen.
Every time.
I know many people say no one can be up and rolling all the time on a sales call.
Maybe not, but you would never know it from the stars, they are up every time on every sales call. They are always going for the wall.
If you want to be a superstar, go to the plate every day going for the fence on every sales call.
Again, another quote from the king of sales, Zig, “The only difference between a big shot and a little shot is that big shot is a little shot who kept on shooting.”
3/ Are you giving it all you have and more, or are you holding back.
Hesitation will hold you back from what you know you can do on every sales call.
Mark Twain put it well:
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
Go for the homerun on every sales call.

You have it all in you, now get out there and make it happen.
There you have it, 3 keys that made “The Babe,” one of the greatest and can make you one of the greatest salespeople.
Stop holding back; go for the gold on every sales call.
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