Where will you be 10 years from now?
What will you be doing 10 years from now?
Where will you be living?
What will your company look like?
How successful will you be?
Can you answer those questions?
Can you take a little time before next year gets here and write down in as much detail as possible, what it will look like 10 years from now?
Ever notice that those who can see where they are going usually get there?
Ever notice how people who are driven to a goal are moving forward toward it?
Ever notice how many people talk about it, but are right where they were 10 years ago and will be in the same place 10 years from now.
Not you
You are going to follow the simple plan of 10-5-3-1 and watch what happens to you, your business and your life.
Here it is in simple terms.

1/ Ten years from now what does it look like?
Describe in as much detail where you are, what your life looks like, where you live, what your business or work looks like. How you are set financially.
What you are doing.
Really get into this.
Really take some time this last part of the year and write the description.
2/ Now based on where you will be in 10 years,
I now want you to describe where you will be 5 years from now based on the 10-year plan.
In other words, if you know where you want to be in 10 years, where do you have to be 5 years to know you are on your way?
Again, take as much time and create a detail description of what that is.
3/ Now based on where you will be in 5 years,
I now want you to describe where you will be 3 years from now based on the 10 year plan.
In other words, if you know where you want to be in 10 years, and you know where you have to be in 5 years to know you are on your way, where do you have to be in 3 years?
Again, take as much time and create a detail description of what that is.
4/ Now you can plan next year.
Based on where you want to be in three years and always with where you want to be in 10 years in mind.
What do you have to do in the next year to move toward your plan.
All the goals, direction and work has to be done with the 3-year plan in mind.
If what you are doing is not taking you to the 3 year goal, then why are you doing it?
Set your goals and define your strategy and make it happen.
I know, sometime things just seem to simple don’t they?
But life is that simple.
If you do this work you will make it happen.
If you continue to look out 10 years, 5 years, 3 years and then work this year to move to the
goal, you will get there.
Trouble with most people is they only dream about it, wish it.
You, you are going to have a plan and you are going to make it happen.
Success is yours if you want it.
You work hard, your attitude is great, you know where you are going.
You know you are doing the right things because they are taking you there.
So this coming week, lay it out and start moving toward it.
Stop thinking about it, do it.
If you need help, we have all kinds of resources for you.
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Please check out the website.
Or call me direct to chat – 856 364 5867.