Are you into Facebook live video yet?
Do you watch it?
Are you doing it for your business?
Watch Coach Manny doing Facebook live – click here:
Why not?
Today, I want to spend some time on this subject because, as a business owner, you need to take a look at Facebook live for your organization. Don’t let your competition get ahead of you.
I personally love this tool and we do at least three live sessions a week. In fact, you might actually be watching this live or have watched us in the past.
I love doing live events and speaking to groups but not everyone does. Yet, in a world where personal interaction is quickly fading out, Facebook live opens a door.
The other day I was listening to a podcast, “The Art of Paid Traffic.” A great show. The guest was speaking about Facebook live. Before listening to this podcast, I thought I was doing really well with Facebook live and Targeted Lead Generation, but there was so much more to learn.
A very interesting fact shared that day was that, as a nation, we are far behind in utilizing live videos compared to countries like Korea and China.
So, today I want to share a few things you should look at as you build your business, grow your sales, and develop a more targeted lead generation processes.
1/ Facebook live puts you out there.
I remember 10 years ago, pushing clients to put their picture out on their website. Even now, many are still hesitating. The point was and continues to be visibility.
If you do a Facebook live session, it helps people know who you are. They get to know you in a real environment. Yes, you take the risk of maybe making a mistake, just like at any real event, but people love to see the real you.
Just like at the live event, you correct your mistakes and move on.
I was doing an event the other day and a stink bug got on my screen. I had a good time with it and the audience loved the real live show.
2/ It gets you in front of people you might not otherwise reach.
As sales people, we spend so much time trying to get in the door and connect with potential leads. It takes so much effort. I have heard that it can take even 12-15 touches to get an appointment.
With Facebook live, you are there, now.
Those people and others like them that you are looking to reach, could be watching.
Those people you do not even know are prospects, could be watching.
People connect with me because they saw me on a Facebook live show. I think that is a great example of Targeted Lead Generation.
3/ You can interact with your audience.
This is really cool.
You can address the people listening.
They interact with you.
You can answer questions they have.
They can share comments and you can discuss the comment.
It is a great way to find out what your prospects are thinking.
Targeted lead generation means you touch those who can and want to buy.
Video has been an excellent tool for many years.
But live video – wow!
It is all about engagement and interaction.
It is your chance to answer questions and share your passion for your product.
People get you know you and that can open amazing doors for you.
If you want to touch people who are potential buyers, then this could be the right targeted lead generation tool you need.
Today, we did a very basic introduction.
There is so much more you can do and so much more you can learn.
Stay tuned.
But as I always say – action makes it real.
So, don’t spend too much time thinking and researching.
Just get out there and engage with live video.
Watch my stuff and learn.
Watch others and learn.
Facebook has the attention of the world. Don’t ever get sucked into the conversation about your prospects not being on Facebook; they are on Facebook and they could be watching you or your competitor.
If you want to learn more about doing Facebook live video.
If you have questions about how it could help you in your targeted lead generation.
Then just set up 15 minutes to talk with me and learn more.
Click here to select a date/time that works for you.
We are just getting started with this great Targeted Lead Generation tool.
Keep watching, listening, and reading.