Video Sales Success Process
Creating the Outcome You Want
Click here to Sign up Today.
Normal Price. $399.
Special Price only $199.
Look at all you get in this process:
1/. Get the order in your hand, right on line digitally
2/. Get bigger orders – CrossSell and UpSell
3/ Close Business – right online. Get the signature.
4/. Exceed your numbers
You know your business better than any one:
• What to show
• How to show it
• How to make it look great
We teach you all you need to know and be great:
• Lights
• Camera
• Action
• Close
Video Sales Training with Coach Manny
Bonus 1:
1/. You become part of the Coach Manny Team
I work with business owners and sales people every day and and know the issues, concerns and problems that you are experiencing.
Some out there are doing it better than you and some worse.
But when you put that knowledge together you learn to do it better.

2/. Your coaching, on your video presentations is all worked remotely.
3/. You have the strong mind, I ask the questions and together we help you to be much better and stronger and successful.
4/. No travel time or travel expense involved.
You create all this on your computer.

Bonus 2:
1/ Three powerful meetings over the next 3 months
2/. Meeting with Coach Manny
3/. All live on video
4/. Helping you build and use your video sales solution
Bonus 3:
1/ You get a video sales call that works for you
2/. You close business online
3/ You achieve amazing results
4/. You do it all remotely
All this normally for only $399, but because of the Coronavirus and because you need to get out there and make this happen.
Video Sales Mastermind with Coach Manny

We are giving you all three sessions for only $199.