Coach Manny’s
Simple Time Management for the Successful Sales Person
6 Easy to Implement Tips to Change Your Life so You Can Do So Much More
Remember the little things – they make a big difference to people.
We have all heard that.
Well when it comes to time management – the little things are what will and can kill your time or help you exceed your expectations.
Give me 10 minutes a day over the next 6 days
– and you will be amazed.
- You will get so much more done.
- You will excel and have so much more time for the big stuff that needs to be done.
- You will have so much more time to sell
I am a great sales person, yet until I learned these 6 simple techniques I never could get to the sales level that I wanted to achieve.
Something was holding me back.
Yes, I made my quota.
Yes, I even exceeded my quota.
But as a successful sales person, I want to go way beyond
that – don’t you?
I wanted to be the star – Don’t You.
So I learned these 6 simple
and easy keys and became that star!
Today I help people to learn these techniques, as part of the process that
will help you not just be great, but to double your sales.
It’s up to you to follow the steps that will lead to your sales
This e-course will show you 6 ways to successfully make money as a sales person/business owner/entrepreneur by getting control of your little spaces of time.
Here’s a breakdown of what you will get in this daily ecourse:
Part I – Getting control of your Non-Selling Time
Part II – Using your Road Time effectively
Part III – Customer Service Time – getting it done without doing it.
Part IV – Using our Free Time the best way.
Part V – Exploding you prospecting time into business.
Part VI – Turning Wait Time into dollars.
Spend 10 minutes a day over the next 6 days and be amazed.
Watch 5 minutes of less of video.
Read and do a five minute exercise.
Add the tool to your toolbox.
Get started today – right now.
Regular price $59.00
Discount Price $39.00
Click this link to sign up today and get your first lesson.